Homo Janus Bulgaricus. Folk psychology and folk pathology (not only) of Bulgarians

25.00 лв.

Homo Janus Bulgaricus. Folk psychology and folk pathology (not only) of Bulgarians

Author: Georgi Chaldakov ISBN: 978-619-7328-12-7 Publisher: MS

The book contains 110 publisettes (publicist essays), one self-portrait, one Praise of the snowdrop, 28 science-in-fiction (narrated science; no science fiction – science fiction), interview and code (ending chord), 18 of them presented bilingually – in Bulgarian and English, all with a total of 68,604 words and several photographs, figures and tables.


"What happened in the previous 26 years in Bulgaria? Did we feel our receptors for family, homeland, city, friends? Have we overcome the archeflexes of selfishness, greed and aggression? If not admiration, then at least do we have tolerance for the talent and achievements of others? If the answers are negative, during these 26 years the disintegration of human relations has continued."

from "The Happiness of Being Bulgarian"


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