Handbook of Intensive Care Medicine

40.80 лв.

Handbook of Intensive Care Medicine

SBN: 9549301060
Author: Under order. of Prof. I. Smilov
Publisher: Arso
Year of issue: 2004

The current Manual of Intensive Care Medicine has the task of presenting the main guidelines of intensive therapy related to the peri-operative period, conditions after traumatic injuries and emergency conditions with disorders of the vital functions of the body.
The textbook deals with acute disorders of the respiratory, cardiovascular, excretory, nervous, endocrine, etc. body functions and the correction of these disorders.
A special place is devoted to the various types of monitoring of vital functions at intensively treatment. The issues of analgesia and sedation in intensive therapy, the principles of prolonged pulmonary ventilation, enteral and parenteral nutrition, septic conditions, etc. are affected.
The second part of the textbook examines the problems of intensive treatment in specific areas such as pediatric surgery, abdominal and thoracic surgery, orthopedics and traumatology, hypertension, urology, burns, poisoning, organ transplantation, etc.
This guide will be used by anesthesiologists, intensivists working in the emergency system, cardiology and neurology intensive care units, general practitioners, etc.
The guide was written by leading specialists in the relevant fields and we hope that it will provide significant help in the clinical practice of intensive care units in our country.
Volume: 782 pages.
Covers: paperback

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