ISBN: 9789549301847
Автор: под ред.на Надка Бояджиева
Издателство: Арсо
Година на издаване: 2015
Обем:388 стр.
Корици: меки
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in Medical Faculty, Medical University in Sofia won as a partner the scientific project to European Union, 7th Framework Programme. The principal of PREVIEW is a Medical University. The Bulgarian team includes well known medical doctors, scientists, specialists in fields of metabolic diseases, pharmacology, nutrition, etc.
The PREVIEW intervention study (PREVention of diabetes through lifestyle intervention and population studies in Europe and around the World) is performed in 6 EU countries: Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and in Australia and New Zealand. The trial started in 2013 and ends in 2018, supported by the 7th Framework Programme of EU.
A total 1.190 subjects were pre-screened by a telephone interview in Bulgaria. Those (n=474) who were eligible to enter the study were screened. From them only 368 adult subjects (females=281, males=87) covered all the inclusion criteria (mainly pre-diabetes and obesity | and none of the exclusion criteria were involved in the study. Results from Bulgaria will be combined with the results of all partner and published in literature.
This information is for a dissemination of PREVIEW.
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