Veterinary Dentistry: A Team Approach, 4th Edition
- NEW and UPDATED! Art and illustrations clarify concepts and show examples of equipment and procedures
- UPDATED! Content highlights important technologic and professional updates to the field of veterinary dentistry, such as updates on disease processes and applicable new procedural techniques and equipment
- UPDATED! Current terminology, based on the American Veterinary Dental College Nomenclature Committee, helps you master the proper language and improve office communication
- Coverage of the essential dentistry-related tasks in the Committee on Veterinary Technician Education and Activities (CVTEA)’s Manual of Accreditation for Veterinary Technology Programs enables faculty to evaluate your proficiency related to the essential tasks
- Clear, abundantly illustrated procedures provide a more detailed look at the skills you need to master
- NEW! Chapter on medical communication helps you understand the impact it has on clinical success
- Radiography and imaging coverage strengthens your understanding of radiographic anatomy, positioning, and the technologies available