You can be weak

22.90 лв.


Author Marissa Pear
Publishing house HR Logos
Cover price BGN 22.90
Edition Firstly; translation from English
ISBN 978-619-91744-2-5
Year of issue 2021
Number of pages 268
Type of cover Soft cover
Dimensions 140 x 215 mm
Weight city.
A series  
Genre Healthy eating; mental health and self-improvement


Abstract In You Can Be Thin, Marisa Pear presents her revolutionary brain reprogramming method to change the way you feel and the associations you have around food.

"You Can Be Weak" is written in a very specific way hypnotic style, so reading the book itself and doing the exercises in it will help you understand why you do what you do and show you how to change in a very effective way to shed the extra pounds … FOREVER.



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