Geriatrics (from Greek: geron - old man and iatreia - treatment) Science of diseases of the elderly and old people: diagnosis, characteristic course, treatment, methods of social rehabilitation. The subject of geriatrics are both diseases starting in earlier age periods and specific gerontological diseases. Geriatrics deals with problems mainly from the fields of internal medicine, orthopedics, neurology and psychiatry (geront-psychiatry). On the other hand Gerontology is the science that deals with the study of aging processes in all their aspects. Geriatrics should in no way be confused with palliative medicine, which aims to help people in the final stages of an incurable disease to go away (die) in a dignified way. Geriatrics, on the other hand, is called to help the elderly and the very old to lead a better life. The geriatrician intervenes mostly in cases of multiple diseases (multimorbidity) that exceed the abilities of doctors of a given medical specialty due to their numerous interrelationships, but only in a situation where there is an opportunity to improve the patient's condition. Therefore, geriatrics should be understood as an interdisciplinary scientific field.