Mosby’s Fundamentals of Therapeutic Massage, 8th Edition
- NEW! Updated MBLEx practice questions are provided at the end of each chapter, and additional questions are provided on the Evolve website, to prepare you for licensure exams.
- NEW! Updated and expanded information on implicit bias is included in the opening chapters.
- NEW! Information on COVID-19 safety precautions is added to the Hygiene, Sanitation, and Safety chapter.
- NEW! Updated information on trauma-informed care is provided in the Adaptive Massage chapter.
- Comprehensive coverage includes all of the fundamentals of therapeutic massage, including massage techniques, equipment and supplies, wellness, working with special populations, and business considerations.
- Step-by-step, full-color photographs demonstrate massage protocols and techniques by body area.
- Competency-based approach helps you prepare for and pass licensing and certification exams, including the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination (MBLEx) and Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (BCTMB).
- Information on massage in various health care settings provides the information needed to create a massage setting in different types of environments.
- Case studies offer practice with clinical reasoning and prepare you to address conditions commonly encountered in professional practice.
- Multiple-choice review questions in each chapter help you recall facts and use critical thinking to apply the material, with answers and rationales provided on the Evolve website.
- Resources on the Evolve website include three hours of video showing manipulation techniques, body mechanics, positioning and draping, and more — with each clip narrated and performed by author Sandy Fritz — as well as scientific animations, anatomy labeling exercises, review questions for licensing exams, and MBLEx practice exams.