To feel good

29.00 лв.

To feel good

  • Author: Dr. David Burns
  • Year: 25-03-2010
  • Translation from English: Lyudmila Andreeva
  • ISBN: 978-619-321-678-9
  • Content
    Appreciation………………………………………………………………………… 7
    Preface…………………………………………………………………………………… 11
    Introduction (revised edition, 1999)………………………….. 13
    Part I
    Theory and research……………………………………………………………….. 29
    1. The breakthrough in treatment
    of mood disorders…………………………….. 31
    2. How to diagnose your moods:
    the first step in healing………………………………. 40
    3. Understanding your own moods:
    you feel the way you think……………………………….. 48
    Part II
    Practical applications……………………………………………………. 69
    4. Start building self-esteem………………………….. 71
    5. Doing nothing: how to deal with it…………………………. 96
    6. Verbal judo: learn to fight back,
    when you are criticized ……………………………….. 139
    7. Feeling angry? What is your IQ?……………………. 155
    8. Ways to overcome guilt………………………….. 200
    Part III
    "Realistic" depressions……………………………………………………. 229
    9. Sadness is not depression…………………………………………………….. 231
    6 6 Dr. David D. Burns • Feeling good
    Part IV
    Prevention and personal growth…………………………………………………… 255
    10. The reason for everything…………………………………………………… 257
    11. Addiction to approval…………………………. 276
    12. Addiction to love………………………………. 295
    13. Your work is not your value…………………………… 308
    14. Dare to be average!
    Ways to overcome perfectionism…………………. 331
    Part V
    Defeating hopelessness and suicide………….. 359
    15. The ultimate victory: choosing life…………………….. 361
    Part VI
    Coping with the stress and tension of everyday life... 383
    16. How I practice what I preach………………… 385
    Part VII
    Chemistry of Mood……………………………………………………. 397
    17. The search for the "black bile"………………………………. 399
    18. The problem of the body and psyche………………………….. 425
    19. What you need to know about often
    prescribed antidepressants………………………………… 444
    20. Complete user manual
    to the therapy with antidepressants……………………………… 480
    Recommended literature………………………………………………… 623
    Index…………………………………………………………………………. 627
    I am grateful to my wife, Melanie, for her editorial assistance.
    strength, patience and encouragement through the many long evenings and weekends,
    which were spent in preparation for this book. Besides, I would
    wanted to thank Mary Lovell for her enthusiasm and technical
    her assistance in typing the manuscript.
    The development of cognitive therapy is a team effort, including
    many talented people. In the 30s of the 20th century
    physician Dr. Abraham Lowe starts a free self-education movement
    power for people with emotional difficulties called "Rikavari In‑
    corporatid" ("Restoration Incorporated"), which continued
    seems to exist even today. Dr. Lowe was one of the first health pro‑
    professionals who emphasize the important role of our thoughts and
    attitudes on our feelings and behavior. Although many people
    have not heard of his work, Dr. Lowe deserves enormous respect
    for raising many of the ideas that continue to be on
    fashion even today.

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