The significant others in a person's life

25.00 лв.

Year of issue: 2023

Number of pages: 348

Covers: Paperback

Weight: 648 grams

ISBN: 9786192332815

Genre: Psychology

Language: Bulgarian

Publisher: New Bulgarian University

Dimensions: 16.50 x 23.50

Department: Cognitive Science and Psychology

Nadia Kolcheva


Doctor of Psychology, works in the Department of Cognitive Science and Psychology, New Bulgarian University. He has many years of teaching and research experience. He is the author of over 20 translation versions and adaptations of psychometric instruments for Bulgaria. Contributes to expanding the research scope of InterPersonal Acceptance-Rejection Theory (IPARTheory). She is one of the authors of Standards for development and learning in early childhood: from birth to three years and Screening test for children aged 3-3.6 years. She is the author of numerous scientific publications in international and Bulgarian publications and co-author and editor of several books. He is an associate member of the Center for the Study of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection at the University of Connecticut. Since 2022, he is the chairman of the International Society of Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection. Her research interests are in the field of developmental psychology with a focus on early and preschool age, interpersonal relationships, development of social and emotional skills, psychodiagnostics, adaptation and standardization of psychological instruments, etc.


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